

Chapter 11 Yang Kangding was the most experienced agent of Yaxing Entertainment. It could be seen from Gu Yaxing that his position was quite dominant in the heart of Gu Yaxing by deliberately giving him several artists who could be sold in the company. It could be said that in this company, apart from Gu Yaxing, his immediate supervisor, and Hu Xiao the money tree in his hand, there was no one worthy of his attention. When he arrived at the company in the morning and was informed that Gu Yaxing was waiting for him in the office, Yang Kangding was somewhat surprised. Hu Xiao was in a bad mood all day because of his failed audition. He had been gloomy all day long since he was rebellious, Yang Kangding wanted to watch and prevent him from going to the bar to drink, and at the same time, he had to be careful that his words could not appear any words about audition while talking, so as not to stimulate Hu Xiao to make him more depressed. It's not easy to comfort Hu Xiao. Th


Chapter 10 The word "singing skill", seriously speaking, was actually a very vague concept. Some people did have a natural good voice, but the same song, when sung by professional singers was very different from the common people. Breath, register and many other similar skills needed to be developed through the training day after day. When the basic voice conditions matured, then their progress depends on the singer's understanding of music. So many people often found that comparing the early works of the same singer with their later works, or letting the same singer sing his early songs in the later period, even if the pronunciation and rhythm were completely the same, the former would still sound a lot immature. Of course, this was just the difference that would appear in most cases. In such a large entertainment circle, inevitably there were always straw bags that have not made any progress even after decades. The original owner's hardware condition


Chapter 09 When drinking with a bosom friend, a thousand cups will still be too little. Once the first impression is good, it is easy for people to interact with each other without prejudice. Once they find that each other is even better than they think, that kind of good feeling will almost burst out. Gongliang Guang began to look at the younger generation with appreciation however he only had more appreciation but less trust. After all, the older generation always has the idea that the younger ones always had the intention of climbing the social rank. Seeing Luo Ding as a young man, although he liked his purity, he couldn't help worrying about his simplicity. Once I heard that Luo Ding had been a singer for many years and that he had not become popular with such a face blessing, he became more and more sure of his own speculation. But after a conversation, he was a little uncertain. Luo Ding..... How to put it? He seemed to be quieter than his appearance, but it&#


Chapter 08 Wu Fangyuan hesitated for a moment, lying on the edge of the door with a worried face and staring at Luo Ding: "Is it really OK? You're going alone! " Luo Ding rummaged in the closet for a long time before he picked out a suit of clothes that he wanted to wear. He took it out and threw it on the bed. He just tilted his head to glance at Wu Fangyuan: "Hmm." If it were not for Wu Yuan's invitation, with Luo Ding's current popularity and contacts, it would be impossible to get the chance to attend Gongliang Guang's birthday party. Gongliang Guang is a well-known old media person, who mostly works behind the scenes. Although his popularity was not as high as that of idol stars, he definitely had no less influence than a first-tier male star in the circle. Luo Ding had had contact with him before, of course, only as Cao Dingkun, so his personal understanding of Gongliang Guang was mostly from other people's hearsay. Gonglian


Chapter 07 The single room ward was very quiet. The floor was high enough, hence they didn't need to worry about the reporters taking photos. The curtains of the room were pulled up, and from the window, one could see the sky was as blue as water. Xu Zhen's feet were lifted high, his hands were covered with bandages, his neck was still covered with neck guards, his face was bruised to the present, and one of his back teeth was missing. Cao Dingkun's strength was great. At that time, when the real fight broke out, Cao Dingkun didn't even have a tiny bit of hesitation to drop the bat on him. Each hit he waved was as if he wanted to beat Xu Zhen out of half of his life. In order not to let the news out, Su Shengbai was extremely careful these days. The explanation given to the public was that Xu Zhen fell seriously ill due to Cao Dingkun's accidental death, so this obviously traumatic picture must not be revealed, for Xu Zhen's sake and for himself.


Chapter 06 When Luo Ding walked out of the auditorium, he saw Wu Fangyuan pacing anxiously around the same place. When he saw that it was him, he immediately greeted him with concern: "Are you tired? Hungry? I'll take you to dinner! " He didn't ask about the result of the audition at all. This time, when he brought Luo Ding to the audition, his heart was ready to just let Luo Ding come out to see the world. After Luo Ding was asked to enter the auditorium alone, Wu Fangyuan regretted it. He had always knew that Luo Ding, who had social phobia, was hopeless at communication when he was alone that it became a mental disorder for him. Now, looking into Luo Ding's eyes, he inevitably felt quite guilty about it. Luo Ding patted him on the shoulder before he could speak. The glass door opened and Hu Xiao came out with a black face. When he saw Luo Ding, he frowned and looked disgusted. When Luo Ding came out, it seemed that Yang Kangding, who couldn'


Chapter 05 Wu Yuan would come to the audition from time to time to follow up on the progress after he had been appointed as the first lead actor role of 《Tang Zhuan》. The most difficult part of filming a historical drama is thorough research on the subject, followed by the actors. His qualifications were high enough, the thing he was lacking for was his popularity that had presently been hovering at the critical point for a long time recently. 《Tang Zhuan》is a work he was going to work hard for. He had studied every role of the play carefully, and he also paid special attention to the selection of the supporting roles. Upon entering the auditorium, his first reaction was —— how was it so quiet today? There were many people sitting in the hall as usual, however, the silence that wrapped the hall was to the point of the sound of a needle falls to the ground could be heard. Wu Yuan heard the crispness of his heels touching the ground and he immediately stopped to look around a