Chapter 01

The night was dark.

Cao Dingkun put out the fire and opened the window. The sultry air in summer poured into the car with the air conditioner on for a long time, as if an invisible spray was hitting his face.

The clear night sky was dotted with stars. Through the glass, Cao Dingkun looks like he has tears in his eyes.

In fact, he was just leaning back in his chair and had been smoking with his head askew.

Mount Hengshan in T City is a tourist scenic spot that has not been fully developed by the state. Soon after access to the highway was opened, few tourists came. However, the scenery is actually magnificent. Cao Dingkun knew this place because Xu Zhen was about to shoot a scene for his new movie《Assassin》in Mount Hengshan.

Mt Hengshan in Hunan Province. One of the Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism in China

《Assassin》is a masterpiece prepared by Cao Dingkun and Xu Zhen for four years, with a grand setting and an investment of over 100 million yuan. The story includes court intrigue, Jianghu, war, iron (metal/weapons) blood, and love, with more than 10000 participants, led by Xu Zhen, who had just won the Best Director Award from the European International Film Festival, and Cao Dingkun, who had won the Film Emperor from the Film International Film Festival twice, starred as the leading role, while several supporting roles are the leading figures in the entertainment industry. The movie would definitely become a landmark in the history of mainland films. For this film, Cao Dingkun and Xu Zhen have paid a lot.

Four hours prior, Cao Dingkun, who boarded the flight from New York to Shanghai immediately after he finished his work, had just landed. Instead of going back to the company for a rest, he immediately drove to T City. He hoped that his appearance would bring some surprises to Xu Zhen by coming to the scene three months in advance.

But currently, his heart that was full of joy and expectation had been doused out by ice water.

His cold eyes peered through the windshield and landed on the Hummer not far away, which was shaking slightly.

When Xu Zhen came out in the middle of the night with Su Shengbai, he had a bad premonition. He didn't want to suspect that his best brother and lover were in an ambiguous relationship. But he had seen too many betrayals and separations in the entertainment circle for decades. Xu Zhen has always been upright, Su Shengbai's personality is clever and clean, but Cao Dingkun has such an intuition. Now, unfortunately, he found that his intuition had come true again.

"Ah..." He snuffed out the smoke and squeezed it between his fingers, leaning on the steering wheel and looking at the night sky. The fingertips on his forehead were quivering, and he saw his face in the rearview mirror.

His face was pale and bloodless, but there was no sadness or joy in his expression. He had been used to wearing a mask for decades. When he really needed to respond, he couldn't even express his true feelings.

They endured through the seven-year itch and the seventeenth year. But, on their 27th year, it still came after all. It could be said that from Xu Zhen's career gradually embarked on the road to success, Cao Dingkun had already mentally prepared himself to face this moment. After a long time of peace, he'd thought that the curse of being able to share woe but being unable to share weal wouldn't happen to him. Now, it seemed that he's really naive.

An indescribable surge to vomit rushed forth in his chest at the thought of the two people in the car in front of him, who not long ago, showing their heart and lungs as a show of devotion to him, but in fact, this is the truth. Cao Dingkun could not stop himself from trembling all over. He understood why Xu Zhen was unfaithful. His feelings of nearly 20 years were sometimes even disgusting to him. But Su Shengbai! How dare he turned his back from him....! Cao Dingkun asked himself in his heart, he pulled him out from a small group with no future, taught him how to make movies, negotiated with the company for a contract with a broker, and found a spokesperson for him to make an advertisement. Cao Dingkun has no relatives except Xu Zhen in his life and he takes Su Shengbai as his brother to support him. But in the end, this "brother" stabbed him in the back! This knife is too cruel!

It's really too vicious!

He threw the cigarette butt in the car, took a deep breath, restrained the cold feeling coming from inside the bone, and then he touched the baseball bat that was inadvertently bought on the road from the copilot seat and opened the door.

Every step forward was like stepping on the tip of a knife. Each blade cuts the skin and hurts him badly, but it was hard to stop, he couldn't stop.

While Hummer's owner and guest were enjoying their desire in the silent late night, one could hear the sound escaping through the gap in the doors. Occasionally, several sharp moans would be made, one high and one low alternately, the event going on in the car no need to be said anymore.

Cao Dingkun showed a wan smile, shook the stick on his hand, struck out a standard baseball posture, and without hesitation swung it towards the copilot's window.

The shaking stopped abruptly.

The second swing quickly came and slammed down. The sound of the broken glass was clear and audible, and Cao Dingkun heard the familiar voices shrieking from inside of the car, reached out and opened the door from the inside.

The moonlight was dim, but it was enough to make everything in the car visible.

Xu Zhen stood up and hurriedly put on his pants. His lower part without underwear was completely tired and flaccid. The condom he took off in panic was tightly held in his hand. While Su Shengbai, with his white legs, was in a hurry to avoid some of the glass fragments that fell on him and retreated towards the back seat of the car. His thin body made him look like a frightened rabbit under attack. Su Shengbai was embarrassed and found a pillow to block the vital part of his body before he turns his head into Cao Dingkun's line of sight, and was stunned.

Cao Dingkun gave him a gentle smile, and at the same time, he reached for Xu Zhen's collar and dragged out the man who was still putting on his pants and threw him on the ground.

Xu Zhen struggled with fear and shouted: "Listen to my explanation!!!"

Cao Dingkun held the bat over his chest: "What explanation?"

Xu Zhen was beaten and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, but when he looked up and came into contact with Cao Dingkun's cold eyes, he was suddenly scared until he broke out in cold sweat and all his hairs stood up on its ends.

He tried to get up, his voice trembling: "I, I, I, I..."

"What's the matter with you?" Cao Dingkun raised his chin to him, but one couldn't hear any emotion in his voice. However, this indifference was the most frightening thing for Xu Zhen. When Cao Dingkun was truely in a rage, his face became expressionless like his face at this moment. "You think I'm a fool? What do you want to tell me? Tell me you and Xiao Bai come here to collect local cultural material and change the script? Xu Zhen, are you a man? Can I even look up to you for once? "

Xu Zhen saw that he was waving the stick and was so scared that he couldn't stop himself from yelling "I'm sorry!" and "I'm wrong!" while rolling around trying to escape Cao Dingkun's vigorous bat.

One, two, three.....

Cao Dingkun gnashed his teeth. One after another bat swung down on Xu Zhen while evading the vital parts. Seeing this man who once had an intimate relationship with him, begging for mercy in a sorry figure, he felt mixed feelings. However, immediately, the mixed feelings was severely suppressed by hatred!

He paid too much for the man, almost without reservation. Over the years, he could not remember what his life was like. Out of 24 hours a day, he worked for nearly 16 hours every day. All the rewards have been put into Xu Zhen's films, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, and he never as much blinked with that amount!

He thought he had found a partner who could stay together and rely on for life, but Xu Zhen finally gave him a fatal blow when he was nearly middle-aged! How could he not hate!?

"Ge... Ge... " Another weak cry came from the car. Su Shengbai was peering at the door of the car and looked at the scene, "Stop fighting, ge, you will kill him... "

Cao Dingkun took the bat and stared at Su Shengbai coldly. His eyes were close to the freezing point, freezing him in place.

"Xiao Bai, I take you as my brother." Cao Dingkun's voice was as light as a sigh, "There are so many people in the world, he is so old already, why him?"

Su Shengbai trembled and cried out. He fell off from the opened back door of the car, barely in front of Cao Dingkun, kneeling on his knees and climbed forward to hug his thigh: "Ge, I'm sorry."

"Go away." Cao Dingkun frowned wearily, "Don't make me beat you up."

Su Shengbai seemed to be scared silly. He hugged more and more tightly: "Ge, I really like him. I, I'm lost. Xu ge still loves you, but you have been abroad for too long..... I'm sorry. I'd like to keep a distance with him, but this time I've been with him for so long I can't resist it anymore... "

"Are you fucking cheap or what?" Cao Dingkun couldn't listen to it anymore. He kicked him with a shaking leg. "You like it, don't you? You love picking up the trash, right? Here you go! I don't want this! Take what you like! But Su Shengbai, I tell you, from today onwards, our friendship is broken. In this circle, you don't have any relations with me any more. I'll see how you fight alone for once! "

After that, he ignored Su Shengbai, who was curled up on the ground while whimpering, and kicked Xu Zhen: "Don't pretend to be dead, I will be free next week, and we will go to Holland to divorce."

Xu Zhen was beaten to the ground and was on the verge of dying. When he talked about this topic, he seemed to have been burned for a while, struggling to catch Cao Dingkun's pants: "I was wrong... I was wrong... You don't... "

Cao Dingkun waved his hand away with the bat, and his voice was cold without a trace of emotion. "I won't say anything else. I don't have that tolerance to get along with you peacefully after divorce. You should take a measure of the distance you should keep after the divorce. Plus, if you don't want to make a big deal out of this, before the end of this week, return back my investment in 《Assassin》. "

Xu Zhen suddenly lost his composure: "Give me one more chance... "

"What a joke." Cao Dingkun sneered, "Did I forced you to cheat? Why should I give you a chance? Who are you? Breaking up with you with more than 100 million still put it in your place. Do you think I'm stupid? "

Xu Zhen slowly shook his head, while begging with his eyes. He had invested too much effort in the movie 《Assassin》for four years. He could recite every line and every word from the script. This movie would be his representative work to rise among the first-rate directors in China. Even if the result had not yet come out, he could already foresee the upcoming success. But with an investment of more than 100 million yuan, who would be willing to give him such a large sum of money without reservation? Investors have never been philanthropists. If the film is changed even a little bit, it would lose its flavour forever.

He was knocked out of his mind and couldn't speak. He could only pray for Cao Dingkun to change his mind with tears in his heart. However, Cao Dingkun only gave him a disgusted look after finishing the imperative sentence, and walked towards his parking space.

Su Shengbai threw himself around Cao Dingkun's thigh, and hung with his snot and tears on his face: "Cao ge, Cao ge, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. You know what the movie means to Xu ge. I'm beg you, don't be like this. If you hate it, just take your revenge on me. Don't break up with him, he still loves you!!"

Cao Dingkun's backhand with the bat hit him in the face and he flew out.
(TN: Our MC is so overbearing, violent and merciless I love!!!!)

"I told you not to make me beat you up. Why are you so ignorant?" Cao Dingkun frowned and raised his chin to Su Shengbai. He threatened, "Revenge on you? Funny, I'm going to get even, but not only with you, but also him, I'll take my revenge on you both. Don't think I will let any one of you go. You don't have to remind me again. Xiaobai, you took me for granted. You think I'm made out of paper, right? I should show you what I'm capable of to show you otherwise, am I right? Wish you two to live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss; until death do you apart?"

Seeing Su Shengbai's expression gradually dyed with panic, he chuckled, threw away the bat and got into the door.

The road of Mt Hengshan mountain is rugged, and few people could be seen. Only the roar of the engine and the clear music in the car could be heard.

The singer's hoarse voice accused her unfaithful partner.

Cao Dingkun couldn't make any expression, even his mind was blank. He just wanted to find a safe place to shut himself and lick his wounds.

The car suddenly shook violently and pulled his empty thoughts back. Cao Dingkun looked around in stupefaction and then heard the second loud noise coming from the back of the car.

Someone's hitting him!

Aware of this possibility, Cao Dingkun's nerves suddenly tensed up, the vehicle at his rear did not turn on the headlights, however, from the refracted reflection, Cao Dingkun easily identified the Hummer tall model.

He wanted to turn into the inner lane to adjust closely to the mountain wall, but the Hummer's constant and fierce overtaking made his acceleration fails.

Cao Dingkun angrily pulled down the window and shouted out, "Are you insane?!?!?"

The answer was the third severe impact. The explosive power of Hummer was incomparable to Cao Dingkun's business car. The car's body had been deflected by the whole collision. There was no guardrail on the mountain road facing out. Cao Dingkun couldn't dodge it. He wanted to jump out of the car, but in the moment when he looked back, he saw Su Shengbai's crazy expression in the car by reflection.

A second later, it's too late to make up for it.

The rear part of the car was hit and swerved off the road. The rear force then drove the car body to fly in the air. Cao Dingkun's pupils were enlarged and he felt a burst of numbing pain from head to foot. In the next instant, the roar was accompanied by darkness.

Next chapter >


  1. There's no description on NU but I still went lol just to see what's up. :)
    This looks promising. Thanks translator-san.

  2. OMG !!! I came looking for copper and found. It's just the first chapter and I got trapped by the awesome and awesome character of MC, I really want more

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^


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